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South Orange Dolphins Summer Swim Team

We are a competitive summer swim team located in the town of South Orange, NJ. The team is made up of local swimmers from age 6 through 18. Our mission is to provide young people with positive experiences through competitive swimming that will last a lifetime, and have a whole lot of fun!!

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2024 Practice Dates

Introductions and Assessments, Thursday, June 6th and Friday, June 7th

All new and returning swimmers will sign up for one time slot for an introductory meeting and assessment. Instructions for sign up will be provided at the parent meeting and sent out via SwimTopia.

Early-Season Afternoon Practices (M-F) Mon, June 10th - Wednesday, June 19th

3:30-4:30pm 11 & Over Swimmers

4:30-5:15pm 8 & Under Swimmers (All 8 & Under groups welcome 5 days M-F.)

5:15pm-6:00pm Swimmers Aged 9-10

*Swimmers with time conflicts may practice at a time that works.

Regular Season AM Practices (M-F) starting Friday, June 21st - Wednesday, July 24th

8:00 - 8:45 AM – This practice slot is for swimmers (all ages) that must leave early for camp. This is a very crowded practice time.

8:45-9:30AM – Swimmers aged 8-10.

9:30-10:15 – Swimmers 11 & Up. (Younger swimmers may attend this time slot with coaches’ permission.)

*Swimmers with time conflicts may practice at a time that works.

Saturday Make-up Practices will be held on June 29 and July 13. All groups welcome. Please RSVP.

Other Important Dates:

No practice on Friday, July 5th

Rubber Ducky Intramural Meet - Saturday July 20 (AM)

Division Championships - Monday, July 22 (AM)

Meet of Champions - Thursday, July 25 (AM)


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